More than diplomacy
Weekly training sessions to improve understanding of global issues and diplomacy.
MUN conferences each semester to leverage training and work in cultural diversity.
The LouvainMUN experience seeks to complement higher education in a unique team environment. Throughout the academic year, weekly intensive training sessions, guest lectures and workshops in English equip LouvainMUN members with the necessary tools to improve knowledge, understanding and critical thinking about global issues and diplomacy while boosting both personal growth and professional profile through the acquisition of highly valuable soft skills including:
Road to growth
Training sessions
Thorough preparation with alumni and academics to participate in MUN conferences
Guest lectures
Improve knowledge and understanding of global issues and diplomacy with luminaries
Develop soft skills and receive expert advice from our corporate, institutional and social partners
Road to success
28 conferences
Across continental Europe and Great Britain incl. Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard WorldMUN.
58 delegate awards
Recognition of individual excellence in committee and many honourable mentions
3 delegation award
Recognition of collective excellence in conference
This involves a thorough preparation to participate in at least one MUN conference abroad each semester. In addition to leverage training, this opportunity enables LouvainMUN members to travel, make connections, expand their horizons and to work in cultural diversity.
What is MUN ?
Model United Nations, or MUN, consists in simulations of United Nations conferences that usually take place over few days. These are intended for students who are passionate about international relations, diplomacy or global issues. The participants are asked to defend the interests of a country, which is assigned individually to each of them, in one of the many bodies of the UN, such as the UN Security Council, or the Human Rights Council.
It is required from the participants to have not only outstanding rhetoric but also a high sense of diplomacy since the aim of the conference is to result in the drafting of a resolution subsequently passed by the majority of the countries inside the committee. In order to actively take part in the conference, each participant will need precise knowledge of the issues addressed, the policies followed by its country as well as the various diplomatic relations between the member states. That is why preliminary research and thorough preparation are required from the students in order to take part in the conferences.