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Dear Munners, 

First of all, welcome! 

Belgian's MUNs Simulation Day is the first edition of a Model UN organized in collaboration with 5 MUNs associations around Brussels.

For some time now, the LouvainMUN Board has been thinking about strengthening links with other associations in Belgium and so we are really delighted to welcome you to the UCLouvain campus. BSD is intended to be a day of exchange and meeting between our members from different universities, but also, most probably, from different cultures and/or countries. 

For practical organisational reasons we have decided to organise 3 committees, however, they will all have the same topic just different level. 

Despite the precautions that we inevitably have to take and the limitations imposed because of the virus, we hope that this day will provide you with the opportunity to make new friendships and have exciting experiences during the debate.

We look forward to welcoming you here in November, so don't delay to apply and choose the country you'd like to represent before someone else did! ;-)

LouvainMUN's Board

The topic for this simulation will focus on the war in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.

We will post on this page, by the end of October, the preparation guide/workbook made by your chairs. 


You will find all the necessary information concerning the historical context of the conflict, the past UN actions, the relations with other countries, the Points of Resolution to be addressed, etc. 

You'll be around 20 delegates in each committee with a maximum of and 25.

You'll take part in the Security Council

As one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, the Security Council (SC) is tasked with maintaining international peace and security.

The UNSC, founded in 1945, has certain competencies which render it extraordinarily powerful in matters of international law. It proposes solutions for peaceful resolutions of conflicts and recommends adjustments or terms of potential political settlements.

The schedule is by no means final, it is probably still subject to a few changes, however this draft will give you an idea of how the day will run. 


Saturday 21th November 2020


Welcoming of the delegates


Committee Session I


Lunch break


Committee Session II


Coffee break


Committee Session III


Closing Ceremony 

The simulation will take place in the Montesquieu auditorium.

The auditoriums are located place Montesquieu n°1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve.

The city of Louvain-la-Neuve is a pedestrian city. There are many car parks, however, we advise you to come by bus or train to avoid having to pay for a full day's parking.



To register, please take the time to fill in the information below.

Please also note that your participation will be fully confirmed once we have received the transfer from your delegation! 

In order to be able to organise us in advance and make sure that you will all have something delicious to eat on the day, could you tell us what your diet is? 

Do you have any dietary restrictions?
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